Our programme

Long term

The Archery programme

Led by distinguished experts, Fondation Archery operates under the guidance of its esteemed board of directors. Our team collaborates with academic institutions, cultural organizations, and government bodies to implement a wide range of programs.

Our support program is built on a dual approach: individual mentorship and the collective track.

Laureates are fully accompanied both educationally and financially. During the Laureate’s time with Archery, all expenses, including but not limited to transportation, food and accommodation, and school tuition, is 100% covered by the Foundation.

Each year, Fondation Archery recruits a new cohort of over a dozen Laureates that begin their mentoring journey.

The Individual Track :

Mentorships are long-term, accompanying the students all throughout their high school and higher education years until they step into their first working role.

  • This mentor will be a highly qualified professional with a proven commitment to equal opportunities.
  • At the beginning of their mentorship in the 9th grade, each Archery Laureate is paired with a mentor, chosen collaboratively with the foundation, to guide them through their academic and professional journey.
  • With their mentor, each Laureate will be able to discuss and sharpen the steps of their professional project, but also to identify the means necessary to achieve this project.

It is on the basis of a shared diagnosis between the mentor and the Laureate that the Foundation will engage financial expenses for the Laureates.


Laureates and their mentors will be able to seek advice and support from members of the network of godmothers and godfathers, whether in the context of an internship search or to learn more about certain institutions and/or careers.

The Archery Foundation’s individual track is a long-term one. It lasts until the Laureate enters working life, and sometimes even beyond. The mentoring is envisaged through cycles of 2 to 3 years on average.

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The Collective Track:

The collective track unites each Laureate cohort in seminars, meetings, and trips to International capitols which expand their horizons and center around themes of self-empowerment, sustainable development, and tackling today’s pressing challenges.

  • The Archery Foundation wishes to contribute to the Laureates' sense of engagement regarding these major issues, and to give them the tools to take action, first on their own scale, and tomorrow on the broader scale of society.
  • There are campuses throughout the school year and Archery's support. In the first year, the campuses take place in Paris or Marseille, they aim to inspire the Laureates. In the second year, the cohort takes action by building and leading a mission of public interest and visiting a European capital. In the third year which coincides with the end of high-school and the beginning of adulthood, the laureates get to travel to the United States.
  • It consists of regular meetings of members of the same cohort, inspirational encounters with people and organizations from the private, public and non-profit sector and cultural outings.
  • The collective track also aims to develop the Laureates' self-confidence through eloquence workshops in the first year.

These individual and collective Tracks together constitute the programme provided by the Archery Foundation to its Laureates.


This programme has been designed to enable the Laureates to fully fulfill their professional aspirations and leadership potential.