Our Laureates - 2021 Cohort

2021 Cohort

Before they audition in front of the jury, shortlisted candidates spend several weekends preparing with the support of one of our partners. We are very proud to present you our 2021 Laureates, who have all shown tremendous talent and perseverance in the process of being selected.

Short Bios

Short Bios

Short Bios

Adam C.

Adam is a movie aficionado. Night and day, he thinks about the stage and the roles he'd like to learn and play in his life. In his first year of a Bachelor's degree in foreign and regional languages, literature and civilizations in Paris, Adam is looking to see as many movies as possible, but also as many TV series and plays as possible, to nurture and develop his acting skills. With his baccalaureate in hand, he took and passed his competitive training course at the Cours Florent and is continuing his apprenticeship this academic year. Outside the cinema, Adam is committed to his family and friends, aware that what nourishes his artistic soul is first and foremost his love of life.

Rama D.

Rama is in her first year of a "école préparatoire" specializing in physics and engineering sciences in Paris. She loves learning new languages: for her, foreign languages are a window on the world and cultures. To date, Rama speaks four languages, including Arabic and Mandarin. She is also interested in art, especially since joining the team at La Compagnie, a local contemporary art association, as a volunteer. Curious and passionate, she feels that digital and new technologies are a fascinating field to explore, and one whose language she already understands well.

Ibrahim T

Ibrahim is the youngest member of the 2021 cohort. His motto is "fortuna audaces juvat", and as such he makes every effort in his daily life to achieve his goals, refusing to let his young age be seen as an obstacle or an excuse. Now a student in his second year of high school, he wants to become a lawyer or get involved in politics. Apart from the time he spends with others at school or in associations, Ibrahim has a particular love of reading. For him, reading is a daily must to quench his thirst for knowledge.

Lara K

Lara has had a passion for drawing from an early age. Her dream is to become a mangaka, or Japanese comic book artist. She lives in Bobigny, where she did all her studies until she obtained her Baccalauréat in June 2021, and joined the Ecole Penninghen in 2022. A laureate in the first class of the Archery Foundation, Lara is committed to mobilizing against racism, xenophobia, sexism and homophobia. In the future, she will use her mangas to denounce injustice in the world around her, and spread messages of peace.

Wassila B.

Wassila is ambitious for herself, but even more so for the causes close to her heart, such as gender equality and equal opportunities. To nurture her commitment, she takes an interest in many fields: politics, law, business, engineering and medicine. Wassila thrives on knowledge and service to others. She loves her city, Marseille, but she also hopes to travel the world, learning new languages, cultures and traditions.

Ghiles A.

The eldest of the first Archery cohort, Ghiles left Montfermeil to enter the world of higher education in September 2022, joining a "école préparatoire" specializing in physics and engineering sciences. In a few years' time, he would like to be useful in the field of research, convinced that many diseases will soon be curable. When he's not working on his courses, Ghiles enjoys sport.

Marie-Myriame B.

Marie-Myriam likes to dabble in everything, whether it's science, finance, politics or design! In her spare time, she imagines, designs and creates her own clothes. For the time being, she sees herself going into design and communications. Outside school, Marie-Myriam devotes part of her time to helping younger students with their homework, and convincing them that they can go much further than they think, despite any remarks they may receive. Marie-Myriam reclaims for herself this quote from Andy Warhol: "They say that time changes things, but in fact time only passes, and we have to change things ourselves".

Lilou F.

Ambitious, creative, committed and above all passionate: these are the words Lilou prefers to use to define herself. At 17, Lilou doesn't want to waste any time: she undertakes committed actions to defend the causes that are her priority, such as the environment or school bullying. Dreaming of the stage and music, she works hard to create her own path towards her singing dream. Lilou would like to be able to pass on important messages to her generation and those to come with her music, reaching through the heart to the conscience.

Kadidiatou D.

Kadidiatou loves human relationships and life stories. She is in her final year of high school at Noisy-le-Sec. In addition to French, she speaks and writes Bambara (one of Mali's national languages). In her daily life and in her town, she is committed to education and equal opportunities, and has been ever since she was nine years old! She's interested in history and politics, and happily takes part in any debate that comes her way. But what she loves most of all is understanding the society around her.

Manelle M.

For Manelle, life is closely linked to the practice of Taekwondo, a martial art in which she has been trained since childhood. With a knack for passing on her love of the art, Manelle already gives taekwondo lessons to children, with the support of her sports mentor. With her club, she is preparing for the future Olympic Games. When she's not taking part in a high-level competition somewhere in the world, Manelle undertakes marauding operations for the underprivileged wherever she happens to be. After many victories, she hopes one day to open her own taekwondo club.

Ayoub L.

Ayoub is in his first year of the "BUT" program at the University Technology Institute (IUT) in Saint-Jérôme, and hopes to acquire, through his studies, the skills and network that will enable him to set up his own business in the future. With entrepreneurship in his sights, Ayoub is working on his English and multiplying his internships in companies, and knows that the next few years will enable him to understand how to go from an idea to its realization, but also to better understand how he can have an impact.

Eleana V.

Eleana came to France from Albania only four years ago. She is passionate about learning foreign languages and the law. She is fluent in Albanian, French, English and German, and has no intention of stopping there. Eleana hasn't forgotten her beginnings in France and the difficulties she encountered because of the language barrier. That's why she's now taking her turn to help migrants by translating their documents for them. During her first year with the Foundation, Eleana undertook an internship at the Bordeaux Court of Appeal. This internship motivated her to achieve her dream of working for justice and "putting the truth in its place".

Meet our other cohorts

Archery Laureates are recognizable because of their infectious enthusiasm, their belief in the power of the collective, their natural empathy for others, and their desire to change the world.

Laureates selection process