Our Laureates - 2022 Cohort

2022 Cohort

Before they audition in front of the jury, shortlisted candidates spend several weekends preparing with the support of one of our partners. We are very proud to present you our 2022 Laureates, who have all shown tremendous talent and perseverance in the process of being selected.

Short Bios

Short Bios

Short Bios

Jihane C.

Jihane is a high school student in Marseille, and she believes that every minute that passes can be put to good use. She is interested in finance and management, and contributes to a number of causes close to her heart, from raising awareness with the Marseille Marine Fire Brigade Battalion, to taking part in the "Echanges phocéens" program for equal opportunities, and finally contributing to "Clean my Calanques". With Elisabeth Moreno and Simone Veil as role models, Jihan knows that whatever path she takes, social commitment will be a key part of it.

Basma H.

Basma lived in Morocco until she was ten, and found the Parisian neighborhood of Goutte d'Or more than just a home: it's a playground for her to explore all her passions, from soccer to radio to helping the underprivileged. Ever since she was a little girl, Basma has wanted to become a doctor, and more specifically a heart surgeon. She'd like everyone to have access to medical care. What makes Basma happy, whatever the circumstances, is being part of a group, a family: a collective.

Yacine K.

Yacine has two passions: science and karate. In both cases, he gives his all, and his motivation is the same whether it's to earn his black belt or to find solutions to malnutrition. The eldest of a large family, he has a sense of responsibility and enjoys working with others. Thanks to the Foundation, he hopes to travel the world and change it for the better.

Océane K.

For Océane, social commitment is humbling and should be led as a collective. She's a high school student in Sarcelles, and dreams of playing soccer at the highest level and of producing music. When the time comes, she'll have the means to choose between one or the other!

Mahathy M.

Mahathy is passionate about the world of cinema, especially when it's inspired by working-class neighborhoods and the people who live there. She admires Ladj Ly in particular. Aside from films, Mahathy enjoys being creative and her father's pastries, which she helps to design! She speaks Tamil and already has a keen sense of social commitment, giving voluntary English lessons in her local community center (every Saturday morning). Mahathy claims to be a feminist, and her role model is Indian actress Priyanka Chopra, who is also an ambassador for UNICEF. This powerful combination of talent and commitment, she believes, could be a powerful inspiration for her home town of Sarcelles.

Daniela R.

Daniela speaks 5 languages. She came to France from Moldavia three years ago, and is going full steam ahead, as the world is a vast place and her curiosity knows no bounds. She loves sport, but what she's most passionate about and already sees as her future is fashion design. She plays with colors and would like to travel the world to experience the beauty of mountains, seas, deserts and forests. For Daniela, being kind to others is as important as being successful in life.

Mohamed S.

A native of Marseille's northern neighborhoods, Mohamed would like to improve the daily lives of the families and young people he encounters every day. If he could start with a large-scale action, he would tackle the problem of poor housing, to enable everyone to enjoy the comfort of a home. When he's not out on the streets helping the most destitute, Mohamed's main passion is mechanics. His secret dream is to become a Formula 1 driver, but in the meantime he's very interested in electric vehicles. Powerful engines, like his own, are what will enable him to change his life and that of the poorest neighborhoods.

Mya V.

Mya is at home at school, a place where she can give free rein to her curiosity. A keen observer, she studies the evolution of her city, Marseille, and tells herself that she'll be one of the people shaping its future, by becoming an architect. Mya sees the future of architecture as green, but also inclusive. She admires Jean Nouvel, but even more so, the generosity in everyone. Tomorrow, she hopes to travel as much as she can to find the inspiration and strength to change the world.

Leen Y.

Leen moved from Syria to France at the end of 2019, and didn't waste a minute acclimatizing. She loves to paint and to recreate great masterpieces by Manet or Van Gogh. She continues her progress in chess, with the French championship in her sights. She also loves reading, which helps her to understand, debate and dream. In her neighborhood in Auxerre, she takes the time to get involved in events that bring together residents from all over the world.

Helmi Y.

Helmi in Arabic means "my dream", and this young man from Marseille has a dream stronger than all others: to become a lawyer. When he's not reading books, he familiarizes himself with the legal world by watching cases on YouTube. Helmi is a committed young man, and in 2021 he was a member of the school life council. He handles the spoken word like a seasoned professional, and loves school for what it enables him to envisage for his future.

Fayma Y.

Fayma loves groups so much that she created one herself: for the past two years, she has been leading a women's basketball team, where good humor rivals talent. When she's with her family, she likes to give her time to the Petits frères des pauvres' association with her mom and siblings. All these connections carry her forward, even though she's already moved around a lot at a young age. Tomorrow, Fayma would like to teach mathematics, in France, and why not abroad? In 2023, Fayma won the national Éloquentia @ HEC competition for high school students!

Seydina L.

For Seydina, caring for others comes first. The eldest of a large family, he helps his brothers and sisters with their homework. In his class, he is most often a the class president, as he likes to protect and represent his classmates. His life path has also led him to meet many doctors, and he hopes to become a doctor in his own right, ideally a cardiologist. He would also like to set up a social integration business, to help homeless people in particular. When he's not studying, Seydina devotes himself to his passion, rugby, a sport where strength and solidarity are key.

Meet our other Promotions

Archery Laureates are recognizable because of their infectious enthusiasm, their belief in the power of the collective, their natural empathy for others, and their desire to change the world.

Laureates selection process