Our mentors


Mentors at the core of the Archery Programme

Our mentors are much more than just highly talented and accomplished individuals: they are people who, in their everyday lives, look out for others and are all deeply committed to improving the state of the world. They share a common belief that success is only worth pursuing if it can be leveraged to support those most in need.

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The mentors in a few words


Accomplished professionals who are recognised in their field of expertise

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One mentor per Laureate


Professionals from different fields of activity, Entrepreneurship, Letters and Journalism, Public Affairs, Art etc

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Mentors who commit to devoting time every week to the Laureates for whom they are responsible


Committed professionals who share Archery's vision and values of sustainable development including the promotion of equal opportunities

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Mentors who will provide the Laureates with life experience to help them build a professional project


Accomplished professionals who are recognised in their field of expertise


One mentor per Laureate


Professionals from different fields of activity, Entrepreneurship, Letters and Journalism, Public Affairs, Art etc


Mentors who commit to devoting time every week to the Laureates for whom they are responsible


Committed professionals who share Archery's vision and values of sustainable development including the promotion of equal opportunities


Mentors who will provide the Laureates with life experience to help them build a professional project


Meet our mentors

Jean-Marc Guesne linkedin
Partner at Archipel

A partner at Archipel&Co after several years as director of Ashoka France, Jean-Marc is a social innovation artist who has created social enterprises in Asia, Africa and France, positively impacting the lives of thousands of people. Jean-Marc loves nothing more than connecting idea holders and entrepreneurs. He gives his time to many equal opportunity actors and believes in mentoring as a lever for personal and social change.

Our mentors

Our mentors

Zakaria Fechtali linkedin
Senior Financial Controller at Meridiam

After several years in auditing and financial consulting, Zakaria joined Meridiam to take care of the financial management of the company's European investment funds. When he is not supervising the finances of the Meridiam funds, Zakaria gives his time to train the young recruits of Meridiam. Outside the office, Zakaria is very involved in the associative world and does not hesitate to accompany the youngest in their projects.

Claude-Emmanuel Triomphe linkedin
Director at the Regional Directorate for Youth, Sports and Social Cohesion, PACA

After starting his professional life in social law, Claude Emmanuel Triomphe started building a European university "outside the walls" devoted to the major changes in contemporary work. He then became involved in civic engagement and citizenship, which led him to launch Citizens Campus in 2020, an initiative aimed at initiating, training and developing civic responsibility in France and in Europe. At the same time, he is in charge of innovation in an economic and social administration of the State.

Our mentors

Romain Limouzin linkedin
Chief Operating Officer Americas at Meridiam

Ever since he graduated from the Ecole des Ponts, Romain has wanted to build the world of tomorrow. At Meridiam, he has been able to make his contribution by developing projects in France, the United Kingdom, Finland and now the United States and Canada. What interests Romain in particular, beyond the roads, public transport or universities that he helps to build, is to imagine the impact of these infrastructures on people's lives. It is this concern for his fellow man that leads him, wherever he is, to give his time to accompany students in difficulty or people with disabilities.

Our mentors

Mariam Cissé linkedin
Parliamentary assistant, deputy mayor of Clichy-sous-Bois, author

Deputy Mayor of Clichy-sous-Bois in charge of housing and sustainable housing, but also a territorial councillor of the Grand Paris Grand Est agglomeration, Mariam is a craftsman of the city's renewal in the lands of Seine-Saint-Denis to which she devotes her militant and human energy. Committed since 2005 to making her city of heart, the capital of the suburb Clichy-sous-Bois, known more for its initiatives than for its poverty, Mariam knows that the suburbs are full of talent and hope.

Our mentors

Hubert Myon linkedin

For Hubert, passion has always rhymed with hard work and determination. An actor from an early age, Hubert took his first steps in Jean Anouilh's L'Alouette, and pursued his theater projects with sketch shows such as Le serment des hypocrites and Génération Pub. With Brigitte Caracache's Cours d'Art Dramatique troupe, he staged Tenessee Williams' La Chatte sur un toit brûlant, then appeared at the Café de la Gare in Olivier Maille's Don Juan est une Femme. At the same time, he developed his career with film roles in Thomas Lilti's Première Année and Olivier Baroux's Les Tuche 3, as well as television roles in series and TV movies for M6, Canal+ and France 3, and short films. Passionate about his work, he readily became a mentor for the Foundation, to help talented young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods find their way to success and realize their dreams.

Thomas PAINEAU linkedin
Hub Manager (reporting and knowledge dissemination) at Meridiam

Thomas' first projects were bridges connecting people who were previously separated by a river or an arm of the sea. Today, Thomas continues to develop bridge projects for Meridiam, but he also seeks to build bridges between cultures and generations, by giving his time to solidarity projects. After 15 years of living abroad, in North America, Asia and especially in the Middle East, Thomas is delighted to be involved in the Archery project in France.

Our mentors

Our mentors

Flora Flammarion linkedin
Deputy Director General of the Solidarity Unit at the Seine-Saint-Denis Departmental Council

Equal opportunities are at the heart of Flora's daily professional life. As Deputy Director General of Social Policies for the Seine-Saint-Denis Department, she has been working for many years on issues of integration, support for vulnerable people (precarious, loss of autonomy) and parenthood. By joining the Archery Foundation's mentors, Flora wishes to add a more personalised and direct commitment to this day-to-day involvement, convinced that it is by tackling inequalities at their root and by treating them over the long term that they are best fought.

Gilles RAKOCZY linkedin
Managing Director of Société de la Rocade L2

Since his engineering studies at the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées, Gilles has had a series of professional experiences preparing him to manage some of the largest infrastructure projects in France. As an experienced manager, he has developed his skills in both the public and private sectors. After several years at the helm of the European consortium in charge of operating the Mont Blanc tunnel, Gilles is now taking on the challenge of managing the company in charge of the Nîmes and Montpellier rail bypass and, in parallel, the company in charge of the L2 bypass in Marseille. Mentoring with Archery is a chance for him to pass on the experience he has gained in these different positions, in both the public and private sectors, in France and internationally.

Our mentors

Françoise Tauzinat linkedin
Head of Strategic Equity Management at Caisse des Dépôts

For Françoise, responsibilities within the major public institutions in charge of financing the economy are inseparable from concrete citizen commitments. In parallel to her responsibilities at Caisse des Dépôts, Françoise is a member of the board of directors of CDC Développement solidaire and promotes international solidarity projects. She also works with associations working to welcome and support migrants. She joined the first cohort of Archery mentors, convinced that it is through direct and lasting commitment that equal opportunities will materialise.

Our mentors

Aïssata Seck linkedin
Head of the Citizenship, Youth and Territories Programme at the Fondation pour la Mémoire de l'Esclavage

Commitment is at the heart of Aïssata's life: as an activist, elected official in Bondy and head of a youth programme at the Fondation pour la Mémoire de l'Esclavage, she knows that equal opportunities are a constant struggle. It is for this reason that she has accepted to join the group of the first Mentors of the Archery Foundation, hoping to bring to the other Mentors and even more to the Laureates the conviction that the apparently most difficult struggles are those that deserve all our attention and all our efforts.

Our mentors

Nathaly Quintero linkedin
Doctor, head of the Reference Centre for Developmental Anomalies and Malformative Syndromes at the Saint Maurice Hospital

Nathaly's daily work involves accompanying young children and their families in sometimes difficult situations. Nathaly's speciality in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation has become a lever to help young people suffering from limb agenesis and rare diseases. Convinced that starting situations do not determine the future, she agreed to become a Mentor for the Archery Foundation to pass on her knowledge of the medical and hospital environments, but above all her strength and sense of commitment to the Foundation's Laureates.

David Delgado linkedin
Associate at Meridiam, Director for Central and Eastern Europe

David is a committed engineer: to his family, to his colleagues and to the project developers to whom he devotes part of his time on a voluntary basis. Passionate about basketball, this Spaniard by birth thrives on developing complex infrastructure projects at Meridiam, and loves nothing more than discovering a world that's not his own. It's these qualities that make him one of the most experienced mentors at Meridiam, the company he has been working for since it was founded.

Our mentors

Our mentors

Johanne Menu linkedin
Deputy Director of Hôpital Nord & Director of APHM Health Centers

Tomas Napolitano linkedin

Deputy Director of International Relations for the City of Paris, Tomas puts all his diplomatic skills at the service of environmental leadership in the city where he grew up. After several years of traveling the world on his first missions, Tomas is now doing his bit to ensure that France sets an example in terms of inclusion, starting from the local level. Becoming a mentor for the Archery Foundation is his own way of adding a personal commitment to this strong professional commitment. Outside his professional missions, Tomas loves music, his family and friends, and knows that without happiness there can be no sustainability.

Our mentors

Kristel Ba linkedin
Inclusion, Diversity and Engagement Manager at Balenciaga

Kristel ensures that Balenciaga's workspace is representative and inclusive. To prepare for this cross-functional role, she spent several years as head of inclusion and youth leadership programs at the German Marshall Fund in the United States, studying best practices on both sides of the Atlantic. For Kristel, inclusion and openness is second nature, and becoming a mentor is a way for her to prepare the next generation to be exemplary in this field.

Our mentors

Mathieu Delorme linkedin
Associate at Atelier Georges, Professor at the École d'architecture de la ville et des territoires Paris-Est

What drives Mathieu is the future of the city. But a city that is balanced and humane, a city that doesn't so much dominate nature as manage to give it a central and respectful place. In addition to the projects he develops in conjunction with local authorities and economic operators, Mathieu teaches urban planning and finds in this teaching a horizon of meaning that his commitment to Archery mentoring completes: transmission, continuity between generations, are at the heart of Mathieu's concerns and commitments, and have been for a long time.

Our mentors

Louise Joly linkedin
Director of Microsoft x Simplon programs at Simplon.co

After a number of professional experiences in the cultural sector, Louise decided to move into the vocational training sector by joining Simplon. Today, she manages the programs of this flagship of the French SSE, in partnership with major digital players such as Microsoft. Resolutely committed to equal opportunities, she works every day to ensure that corporate recruitment is more diversified, focusing on skills rather than qualifications, social origins or gender.

Olivier Bianchimani linkedin
Director and Head of Hyperbaric Operations at Septentrion Environnement

The fight to preserve the oceans is Olivier's daily life. Olivier's weapons? Knowledge and education. A diver and biologist, Olivier is as concerned about the future of the planet as he is about the development of men and women. That's why he created the Septentrion Environnement association, which contributes to the environmental responsibility of all economic players in the Mediterranean basin, and enables committed researchers like himself to advance knowledge of marine environments.

Our mentors

Our mentors

Élisabeth Ayrault

Until the summer of 2022, Elisabeth was a Godmother of the Archery Foundation. She wanted to become a mentor to pass on more directly all that a life of responsibility at the highest level has taught her about career paths, the development of men and women, and the importance of commitment. She believes that talent should not be restricted by financial constraints or postal codes.

Salim Bensmail linkedin
Senior Investment Director

Whether in his former roles in the public sector at the Ministry of Finance, the City of Paris or today as director of the fund developing urban resilience projects within Meridiam, Salim loves socially useful projects, those that contribute to the harmonious development of territories and create opportunities for all. Having grown up, studied and worked abroad at different stages of his life, he knows the importance of access to diverse horizons and that inclusion also comes from relationships and opportunities. That's why he wanted to become an Archery Foundation mentor.

Our mentors

Barbara Lantz linkedin
Infrastructure Project Director

A woman of commitment and action, Barbara applies her engineering skills to high-impact infrastructure projects, and her energy to supporting young people in disadvantaged neighborhoods. She has lived in the UK and visited many countries, and wherever she goes there is one constant: in business as in life, she advances gender equality. This is the meaning of history, a discipline to which she also devotes most of the reading time she manages to free up between her many commitments.

Our mentors

Charles-Pierre Astolfi linkedin
Co-founder and Technical Director of Élément Déclencheur

Charles-Pierre's curiosity leads him to continuously enrich his culture and his engineering training. After an initial career in the upper echelons of the civil service, which included a position as advisor to the Secretary of State for Digital Affairs, he is now an entrepreneur. When he's not on the move to advance the public interest or stimulate innovation, he enjoys the peace and quiet of his native Drôme. Today, becoming a mentor gives him an ideal opportunity to pass on his thirst for learning, his joyful serenity, and his firm conviction that the future belongs to those who break the mold.

Our mentors

Lauriane Clément linkedin
Head of News - Phosphore

Lauriane was destined to become an Archery mentor: in addition to her knowledge of educational issues, she has commitment written all over her. For 11 years, Lauriane coordinated street patrols for the Red Cross, an experience from which she has drawn two books to help citizens and the homeless forge links together. She also took an interest in the lives of children in educational units for newly arrived allophone pupils, and wrote a book about them. Now head of the news section for Phosphore magazine, she deciphers the world around us to make it more understandable for 14-19 year-olds. Through mentoring, Lauriane hopes to put the knowledge she has acquired through these experiences at the service of talented, committed and supportive young people.

Ahmed Bouzouaïd linkedin
Director of the Entrepreneurship for All program at Bpifrance

Ahmed is one of those strong personalities whose determination fascinates, as demonstrated by his challenge with two friends to run from Paris to Marseille in 11 days. A sociologist and urban planner by training, and an entrepreneur by passion, for Ahmed, being a mentor for the Archery Foundation is an obvious choice, so convinced is he of the importance of support in fulfilling his professional and personal aspirations. He has worked with numerous entrepreneurs in the French "Politique de la ville" (urban policy) areas within Bpifrance, and it was only natural that he should seize the opportunity to pass on his experience to younger people alongside the Foundation.

Our mentors

Our mentors

Hayatte Maazouza linkedin
Program manager at the L'Oréal Foundation

A passionate advocate of social justice, Hayatte has a rich academic and professional background in social inclusion and talent development in working-class neighborhoods: in associations (Mozaïk RH, Positive Planet France), as a consultant (BCG), and for the town of Trappes, where she grew up. She is now working for the L'Oréal Foundation to promote women's health and inclusion around the world. For Hayatte, becoming an Archery mentor is an obvious choice. Having been the youngest elected member of the Trappes town council at 24, she knows that commitment knows no age, and is keen to help the Foundation demonstrate this.

Julien Moiroux linkedin
Partner at Simmons & Simmons

Julien is a partner in Simmons & Simmons' Paris office, responsible for the firm's public law and administrative litigation practice. He is also an avid technophile, with a keen interest in the major social issues linked to digital technology. Through his commitment as a mentor for the Archery Foundation, he aims to promote equal opportunities, because he knows how important it is to be supported from an early age in order to nurture one's curiosity and explore one's full potential.

Our mentors

Madjid Ouriachi linkedin
Chief of Staff to the Recteur de l'Académie de Créteil

Public service and commitment to education have never left Madjid during his career. After serving as headmaster of a number of schools, sub-prefect in the Eure region, and working for the Direction Générale de l'Enseignement Scolaire, he is now chief of staff to the Rectrice de l'Académie de Créteil. It was with great conviction that he became an Archery mentor, convinced of the importance of offering everyone the same openness to the world in order to build the City of tomorrow.

Our mentors

Aurore Brachet linkedin
Director of Higher Secondary Education and Young Adults at Ville de Saint-Denis

Aurore's career in the civil service illustrates her commitment to quality education for all. Aurore first worked for the European Commission and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then for a local authority as head of education policy and international relations and associations in the field of international solidarity. After a period with the European Agency Erasmus + France Jeunesse et sport, she is now Director of Higher Secondary Education and Young Adults for the City of Saint-Denis. By becoming a mentor for the Archery Foundation, she has further strengthened her commitment to equal opportunities.

Our mentors

Paul Duan linkedin

Benjamin of the mentors and explorer of the Sillicon Valley, Paul knows that talent has no age and is all the more useful when it is turned towards the general interest. A great advocate of "Tech for Good" and founder of the NGO Bayes Impact, he is convinced of the importance of using technology to improve public services and enable greater citizen participation. An entrepreneur and a dreamer, it's only natural that he should want to get involved with a young Foundation laureate, to pass on his experience and learn alongside them.

Diana Bajora linkedin
Co-founder of DEV-ID

Diana is a woman of action, whose path and commitment to entrepreneurship inspires and commands admiration. Director and co-founder of DEV-ID Marseille, a digital business school based at l'Epopée, Marseille's ecosystem of social innovation players. She is also President of Cap au Nord Entreprendre, a network of 300 companies and economic players in Marseille's northern neighborhoods. She is also vice-president of French Tech Aix-Marseille, and is therefore actively involved in promoting the emergence of female talent in entrepreneurship, and more specifically in Tech. So it was only natural that she agreed to help the Archery Foundation open up the field of possibilities to young laureates.

Our mentors

Our mentors

Nicolas Détrie linkedin
Co-founder of Yes We Camp

Endowed with great creativity and a talent for bringing people together, Nicolas has been working for years to build more cohesive and resilient cities. Trained in urban planning and urban economics, Nicolas Détrie mobilizes his forces with the intention that our social organization be made up of more hospitality, frugality and inventiveness. In 2013, he co-founded Yes We Camp, a professional association that creates and runs a number of participatory projects and "tiers-lieux" (third places) on land and buildings made available free of charge (Les Grands Voisins in Paris, Coco Velten in Marseille...). A Fellow Ashoka, Nicolas didn't hesitate to get involved with the Archery Foundation as a mentor, among many other political and cultural commitments.

Violette Poinsard linkedin
Valuation Manager at Meridiam

After an initial career in financial consulting with Ernst and Young, Violette joined Meridiam's Finance team 5 years ago. With a passion for cooking, she has developed a taste for sharing and curiosity, values that are important to her. Violette is particularly sensitive to equal opportunity issues, and the Archery mentoring program represents an opportunity for her to invest herself fully alongside deserving young people on their path to excellence, and to pass on her skills and energy.

Our mentors

Romain Brochard linkedin
Deputy Director General, Agence Régionale de Santé de Guyane

Romain has been committed to working for the public interest throughout his career: a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and a jurist, he was appointed advisor on economic and social affairs to Claude Bartolone, President of the French National Assembly, after several years of teaching as an associate professor of economics and management. Following the 2017 presidential election, he became Brigitte Bourguignon's closest collaborator, first as president of the National Assembly's Social Affairs Committee, then as special advisor to the Ministry of Solidarity and Health. His experience as Chief of Staff to Françoise Dumas, Chairwoman of the National Defense Committee and the Parliamentary Delegation on Intelligence, also enriched his career. His commitment also extends to the local level, as he is a town councillor in La Roche-sur-Yon (Vendée), where he grew up. He immediately recognized the values of the Archery Foundation: to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to contribute to the life of tomorrow's city.

Our mentors

Sara Mazetier linkedin
Chief of Staff - SYCTOM Presidency

Sara's career path is indicative of her ongoing commitment to serving the public interest. She spent seven years working for the Seine Saint Denis departmental council, notably as advisor to the President's cabinet on Transport/Planning/Economic Development and Territorial Reform. She was then deputy chief of staff at Plaine Commune, before becoming chief of staff to the President of Syctom, the metropolitan household waste agency. With empathy and commitment as her compass, she agreed to become a mentor alongside the Foundation, in order to make her own contribution to equal opportunities.

Our mentors

Richard Lengrand linkedin
Director of Innovation and Transformation at Egis

Richard is an avid traveler and triathlete: curiosity and surpassing oneself are values he shares with the Archery Foundation and would like to pass on as a mentor. These two pillars have led him to pursue an international career in the demanding sector of major infrastructure projects, across the Ivory Coast, the Philippines and Canada. A committed man (through associations such as Les enfants du Mékong and EDC), he was keen to make a longer-term contribution to equal opportunities by becoming a mentor for the Foundation.

Soraya Ouferoukh linkedin
Director of the Fabrique de la solidarité

As Director of the Fabrique de la solidarité, Soraya knows that commitment is a value that is built up over time and needs to be supported to best achieve its objectives. This is one of the reasons why she recognized herself in the Foundation's project, and wanted to contribute to it by becoming a mentor.

Our mentors

Our mentors

Alexandre Reigniault linkedin
Lawyer, Partner at Simmons & Simmons

Alexandre is a partner in charge of the Healthcare practice at the international law firm Simmons & Simmons. For Alexandre, passion has always been synonymous of commitment. For over 20 years, he has been a member of Les 7 de la Cité, France's oldest amateur theater troupe, which performs for charity. With an exemplary academic and professional record, both in France and abroad, he is keen to make a commitment to equal opportunity by becoming a mentor alongside the Foundation.

Thierry Ayrault

Trained as a "Ingénieur des Mines", Thierry has spent a large part of his career as a real estate developer. His great curiosity and sense of empathy have always been his driving force: he has traveled the world and has also flourished as a trainer for numerous training institutes in his preferred fields. Thierry is now eager to share his experience with young people, and appreciates the importance of the commitment offered by the Archery Foundation in order to be useful on the trajectory of a special destiny.

Our mentors

David Djaïz linkedin
Co-founder at Bona fidé.

A graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, David grew up between the South-West of France and Morocco, where he spent 6 years between 1999 and 2005. He was a senior civil servant at the Inspection générale des finances. He is also an essayist and teaches at Sciences Po. In 2022, he was appointed general rapporteur of the Conseil national de la refondation. David recently joined Bona fidé, a communications and strategy consultancy, as co-Chairman. Enthusiastic and committed, he is convinced of the importance of the Archery Foundation project and is committed to passing on his experience to support young people in their pursuit of excellence, whatever that may be.

Our mentors